我們成功的將有機化合物TIHF ( 2,4,5,7-tetraiodo-6-hydroxy-3- Fluorine ) 應用在能量上轉移的系統中,藉由光敏劑TIHF受激發後能量傳遞給天線分子DPA ( 9,10-diphenylanthracene ),再經由天線分子放出更高能量的光,而在我們的分子系統中,除了有TTA能量上轉移產生的螢光外,光敏劑TIHF也有部分的螢光放射,而在這兩種波長的放射峰下,使得我們可觀測到白光的產生。 另一方面,我們也將分子DPA連結在籠狀結構化合物HCTD ( Heptcyclo [] tetradecane ) 上,合成出一系列具有電子予體與電子受體的分子化合物,除了討論分子上電子轉移的現象外,具備強發光團的Donor – Bridge - Acceptor ( D-B-A )系統分子,也可望應用於發光材料中。 We successfully applied TIHF as a sensitizer and DPA as an emitter to an energy upconversion system. Upon excitation of TIHF, we observed that energy was transferred from TIHF to DPA, and then DPA was capable of emitting a photon with higher energy based on triplet-triplet annihilation (TTA). Moreover, the fluorescence of TIHF was also found in our investigations. The white-light emission was therefore achieved because of the two types of synchronous luminescence. On the other hand, a specific DPA subunit and various electron-deficient functional groups were respectively coupled with the cage molecule HCTD to afford a series of products featuring donor-bridge-acceptor (D-B-A) structures. The characteristics of intramolecular electron transfer within these D-B-A systems were photophsyically and electrochemically studied, and we also hope that some products can be further utilized as light-emitting materials.