資訊科技與建築工程結合,改變了僅有圖面資料的電腦輔助設計(Computer-Aided Design, CAD)技術,結合了工程圖說與建築過程資料於一個建築模型內,並有進階三維幾何功能與視覺化能力,此新技術稱為建築資訊模型(Building Information Modeling, BIM)。而在一個建築生命週期中,不同階段會有不同任務與團隊參與者,不同團隊間資訊交流是極為重要的一個環節,但並非所有參與者所使用的軟體都可互通(Interoperability),為了使生命週期內建築相關軟體彼此能互通資料,國際上有一標準的資料交換格式,稱做IFC(Industry Foundation Classes),本研究旨在探討不同BIM軟體對於IFC的支援能力,並從設施維護管理的角度來分析資料轉換的成果。 限於學生版或試用版因素,本研究測試Autodesk-Revit、Graphisoft-ArchiCAD,與Bentley-MicroStation Architecture V8i,並以各家公司設施管理的後續軟體來看IFC轉換成果,Trimble-Tekla Structures因研究一開始較無接觸其設施維護管理軟體,故不在本研究範圍,但相信日後可依本研究步驟再行分析。文獻上過去也有學者從事類似的比較分析,但所用的版本較舊,然而文獻上與本研究測試完得到的結果類似,無論IFC匯入或匯出到各BIM軟體,模型失真或遺失的情況仍會發生。 ;The Industry Foundation Class (IFC) standard is a file format used for exchanging Building Information Model (BIM)-related data between various software applications in the Architecture / Engineering / Construction (AEC) industry. Past research has showed that use of commercial tools cannot truly converse a BIM object into the IFC standard. Hence, neither importing data into BIM from an IFC file nor exporting data to an IFC file from BIM can be successfully performed among current BIM tools. The fundamental problem is about the representation of a 3D geometry object. This research is an updated version of what have been done by Pazlar and Turk (2008), that aims at creating simple 2D, 3D and basic building elements in BIM, exporting these objects into IFC, analyzing the exported IFC file structure and contents, re-creating theses simple objects on plain IFC files, importing these files into BIM to see the compatibility issues. It can be expected that the results of the research can help facility management software be aware of the loss of information in IFC.