摘要: | 國內防災公園建置方式以規劃現行公園或大型開放空間增加避難收容所需之維生機能需求設計為主,規劃時除了須滿足都市綠地、道路與水體綠化,以及生態景觀區域等,同時考慮災害防救的功能,來確保人民生命產安全。 雖然目前新竹縣第一座示範防災公園係竹北市水圳防災公園,已有初步規劃建置,但各項維生設備之進駐、規劃,各單位任務分工均未完備,且建置後,如何辦理教育訓練,讓市民知道發生災難時,可至防災公園避難,且可獲得哪些協助,亦是未來實際啟用後永續發展的一項重大課題。 本研究針對新竹縣都市化程度較高之竹北市、竹東鎮、湖口鄉與新豐鄉為對象,進行綠地防災系統之探討研究。 防災公園在災難發生時,短時間內將會湧入大量災民,如何有效管理,避免衍生治安問題,如何使救濟物資合理分配,如何協助災民日常作息,這些都需要有一套完善的安全管理計畫,透過完善的安置與保護,使受災民眾避免因管理疏失造成2次傷害,使防災公園於災時能夠真正發揮避難據點、醫療據點、物資據點、警察據點、消防據點、前進指揮所等功效。;Abstract Currently, Taiwan has planned its disaster-prevention parks by mainly designing the survival functions required for reinforcing evacuation and sheltering at existing parks or large open spaces. The planning has to consider the demands for urban green space, greening of roads and water bodies and ecological landscape areas, while simultaneously meeting the requirements of disaster-prevention and rescue functions, in order to safeguard the life and property of our people. The first demonstration disaster-prevention park in Hsinchu County is the Shuijun Disaster-prevention Park in Zhubei City. With only preliminarily planning and construction, the details regarding installation of survival facilities, planning and job assignment of responsible units have yet to be well arranged. Furthermore, after the construction is completed, the issues involving the methods of educational training and notifying citizens to evacuate to the disaster-prevention park in case of any disasters, and the type of assistance people can get after evacuation will all be crucial for the park’s sustainable development after its plaque is unveiled in the future. In this study, a high degree of urbanization, Hsinchu County Jubei City, Jhudong, Hukou Township and Xinfeng Township objects to explore green Disaster Prevention Research Systems. In the event of a disaster Disaster Prevention Park, a short time will be a massive influx of victims, how to effectively manage and avoid security problems derived, how to make a reasonable allocation of relief supplies, how to assist victims of their daily routines, which requires a comprehensive security management plan through comprehensive resettlement and protection to the affected people manage to avoid negligence causing injury twice, so that when disaster disaster Prevention Park can really play the shelter, medical stronghold, supplies stronghold stronghold police, fire positions, forward command posts and other effects. |