還原碴含有鈣、矽、鋁之氧化物,與水泥熟料相似,若能替代水泥使用,作為水泥系材料之膠結料使用,除可降低水泥產業所需之高耗能與高二氧化碳排放量,尚能達到廢棄物再利用之綠色效益。 目前由工業副產物作為膠結材料之研究已有不少實際應用,而以還原碴作為主要研究對象之混合膠結材料研究尚未廣泛討論,本研究將電弧爐還原碴、燃煤飛灰與水淬爐石粉等卜作嵐材料混合製成混合礦碴,取代部分水泥使用,探討混合爐碴使用於水泥系統中之膠結品質,並探討各種材料使用之限制。另一方面,並發展不使用波特蘭水泥之鹼活化系統,探討鹼活化技術對提升還原碴膠結性質之成效。 試驗結果顯示還原碴膠結品質較差,無法單獨作為膠結材料使用,必須限制其使用量,並搭配使用爐石粉提升整體強度,由於還原碴成分中存在Free-MgO,可能出現健性不良問題,而調整混合礦碴比例可明顯降低其對健性之敏感性。研究中亦探討養護條件不佳可能造成鹼活化物強度折減,建議於新拌後密封24小時,以確保鹼活化反應膠結強度之發展。 ;Electric arc furnace (EAF) reductive slag is similar to cement, having high content of calcium, silicon, and aluminum oxides. If EAF reductive slag can be used as bonding materials for concrete, we can achieve waste recycling and reduce the consumption of CO2. There have been lots of studies on using industry byproducts as concrete binder materials, the research of EAF reductive slag has not been widely discussed. This research used the mixture of EAF reductive slag, coal fly ash, and blast furnace slag (BFS) as pozzolan materials to replace part of protland cement in making concrete. The interactive comparison and proportioning guidelines of each of the materials were investigated. And then the results are applied to the system of alkali activation. The results show that the EAF reductive slag has lower binder quality than BFS. The use of BFS will enhance the compressive strength of mortar. It was also found that some free-MgO contained in EAF reductive slag could bring in some soundness issues. Proper proportioning of the minerals and EAF slag can reduce the sensitivith of the soundness results. Also, in the system of alkali activation, the curing condictions can affect the mortar’s compressive strength. It is suggested that fresh mortar be sealed for a period of 24 hours before it is exposed to the atmospheric environment.