劇烈的火山噴發常伴隨著上衝炙熱高密度氣體與強大爆炸能量,因而造成大氣層溫度異常變化與電離層電子濃度擾動。本論文利用福爾摩沙衛星三號掩星觀察2008年2011年期間8個指數大於4的火山爆發事件。大氣層溫度剖線顯示火山噴發後,3個事件有明顯對流層降溫平流層底增溫現象,2事件則出現顯著對流層升溫平流層底降溫,1個事件卻是兩種現象之混合,以及1個沒有顯著變化。分析經度高度和緯度高度隨時間變化,說明背景風場對大氣溫度異常變化具有一定程度之影響。此外,利用希爾伯黃轉換分析福衛三號於8個事件期間觀察之電離層電子密度垂直剖線。由於電離層對太陽擾動和磁暴等十分敏感,僅發現3個事件火山噴發之後其上層電離層波長大於350公里的擾動明顯較強烈。;Intense volcanic eruptions are often accompanied by hot dense gases and powerful explosive energy, which result in anomalous changes in the at-mospheric temperature and disturbances of the ionospheric electron density. In this study, radio occultation observations of FORMOSAT-3/COSMIC (F3/C) are used to probe the temperature in the troposphere and stratosphere as well as the electron density in the ionosphere during the eruption period of 8 volcanos with Volcanic Explosivity Index (VEI) of 4 during 2008 to 2011. Results show that 3 events yield significant tropospheric warming and stratosphere cooling, 2 events reveal remarkable troposphere cooling and stratosphere warming, 1 events have the mixture of the above two. Tem-poral variations of longitude-altitude and latitude-altitude slices indicate that atmospheric temperature anomalies caused by the volcano eruptions are significantly influenced by the background wind in the atmosphere. Meanwhile the analysis of Hilbert-Huang Transform (HHT) is applied to examine ionospheric electron density profiles during the 8 event periods. Since the ionosphere can easily be perturbed by solar disturbances, magnetic storms, etc., simply 3 out of the 8 events reveal that after their eruptions, prominent disturbance waves with the wavelength greater than 350km appear in the topside ionosphere.