氫能是個乾淨又環保的能源,同時具備有高能量的密度,由於氫氣燃燒過後的產物僅為水,在現今石油價錢持續攀升的處境,許多國家期望氫能能夠替代現在的石化能源。電解水(water electrolysis)是一種目前較為成熟的產氫的技術,只是在電解水的過程中會消耗大量的電能,所以如何提升效率是個當前重要的課題。 提升效率有多種方法,本文欲其電極材料結構之表面積增加,利用不鏽鋼網本身的孔洞以及在鎳板上鋪PS球產生孔洞等兩種方法製作電極材料,比較兩種提升電解水效率的方法。 本實驗中分為兩個部分,第一部分以不鏽鋼網當作基材做為材料,再以鎳(Ni)、鈷(Co)和鎳、鐵(Fe)以共沉積方法沉積在其表面,並以5%氫氣環境下燒結還原。第二部分以鎳板作為基材,將Polystyrene particles (PS)利用spin coating的方式鋪在基材表面,再利用共沉積和大氣下燒掉PS球並再通氫燒結還原,最後分別進行XRD、SEM等材料分析、電化學分析和電解水產氫。 ;Hydrogen is a clean and green energy, and it has high energy density. Recently, the price of oil becomes higher and higher, so many countries hope fossil energy will be in place of hydrogen energy because of water only after burning. Water electrolysis is one of ripe skills for hydrogen evolution but it consumes a lot of electric energy. Therfore, how to rise the efficiency of water electrolysis is an important issue nowadays. There are many ways of rising the efficency. In this study, we prepare the electrodes using by stainless steel mesh and the porous structure of nickel substrate resulting from PS paricles to increase the surface area of electrodes. Then, we compare the efficiency between the two ways. In this study, we have two parts of experiment. The first part, we use stainless steel mesh as substrate, and co-deposite nickel(Ni), colbalt(Co) and nickel, iron(Fe) on substrates respectively, then sintering in 5% hydrogen enviroment. The second part, we use spin coating to coat PS particles on nickel substrate, and burning in the air, and then sintering in 5% hydrogen enviroment. We do materials analyzing by SEM and XRD, and electrochemical analyzing, and hydrogen evolution.