本文利用市售岩石三軸室,嘗試以簡易可行的技術,改良市售三軸室的訊號輸出通道,使其具備量測三軸室內試體應變的功能,同時能滿足量測精度高(10*10-6stran)、穩定性良好、改裝過程容易與多輸出(12 條以上訊號線)通道的多項需求。 經改裝完成之三軸室以鋁合金修裁成標準岩心大小,實際進行小應變的重複測試的驗證結果,本研究所研發之改進三軸室技術,具有經濟、簡單、快速、易取得、無應變計量測數量限制的優點。 In this thesis, a newly developed technique is adopted to improvedcommercialized triaxial cell, which can provide multiple signaloutput channels and with acceptable precision。 The improved triaxial cell has been tested by measuring smallstrain of an aluminum core. It concludes the developed technique issimple, rapid, handful, and no limit of strain gauge.