本研究係以開發太空級微重力計為目標,此一階段能設定要達到 g精度目標。核心構想是利用質塊的動量及衝量數學關係式,其中質塊在終端受限的直線上來回運動。量測質塊反彈加速度或受力以計算出衝量,並計數質塊飛行的時間長度,我們即可推導出微重力場的強度。為了驗證開發完成的微重力計,需要一個微小重力環境。在這個微重力環境下,不只重力在飛行方向的分量要小,在垂直於管壁方向的分量也要很小,這才能免除摩擦力的干擾。;This experiment is an important testing step of the microgravity meter development. The core concept of this micro-gravity meter development plan is to use the relationship between the momentum of mass blocks and the impulse of impact to measure the micro-gravity field strength. Let the ball inside the terminal constrained tube fly back and forth, and measure the time of flight and bouncing acceleration, used to data to estimate the strength of micro-gravity field. In order to verify the completion of the development of micro-gravity meter, requires a tiny gravity environment. In this microgravity environment, not only the weight of gravity in the direction of flight to be small, in the direction perpendicular to the wall have a small component, which can relieve the interference of friction. In this Research, The core concept of the feasibility, find achieve, and verify it.We also design and build the ground functional test and calibration facilities to test and calibration microgravity meter payload.