本論文討論利用六頻道光度計配合10公分Cassegrain望遠鏡進行地面氣輝觀測。六個濾鏡分別為全黑、532 nm、557.7nm、560 nm、589 nm、630 nm,其中全黑頻道用來檢驗儀器的暗電流而557.7nm頻道觀測OI (1S - 1D)氣輝,630 nm頻道觀測OI(1D - 3P )氣輝,589 nm頻道觀測Na (2P - 2S)氣輝,而560 nm頻道用來觀測OH氣輝以及作為557.7nm和589 nm的校正檢驗,另外532 nm頻道為配合532 nm綠光雷射作為雲探測器。數據取樣時間在2013年八月到十月。地點為台灣嘉義鹿林天文台(120° 52′ 25" E 23° 28′ 07" N),將觀測數據與國家通訊委員會上Ionosonde電離層電子密度數據做比較並討論氣輝強度變化的原因。實驗結果知道電離層內的電子密度與630 nm氣輝強度比較有相關存在且與557.7 nm氣輝強度無關係,利用氣輝與電子探測時間差異估出電離層內擾動變化的分量速度及波長。及589 nm氣輝強度與SABER上氧原子數量變化有相同的變化趨勢。;An airglow photometer combined with a 10cm telescope is install at the NCU for airglow study. The photometer include six different interference filters to measure the airglow emissions including OI (1S - 1D) 557.7 nm and OI (1D - 3P) 630.0 nm and Na (2P - 2S) 589.0 nm produced in the upper atmospheric. A 560 nm filter is used to measure the background emissions like OH airglow. Another channel at 532 nm is used to measure the background as well as cloud disturbance by measuring the backward scattering signals from a 532 nm laser which is sending into the sky from the observation site. In Aug- Oct., 2013, airglow data has been measured at Lulin observatory (120° 52′ 25" E 23° 28′07" N). The data is compared with Ionosonde measurements to find the correlation between electron content and of airglow intensity. The correlations among different wavelengths are discussed although complex correlation has been observed.