本文旨在研究環境倫理學家Holmes Rolston, III如何說明生態環境具有客觀的內在價值並予以反思。而Rolston是以自然先存於人類的概念來論述生態系統的內在價值,說明工具價值和內在價值在生態系統裡是來回返復的,Rolston認為生態系統本身亦具有內在價值,進而提出系統價值的概念。希望透過對Rolston生態環境的系統價值之探究,能夠證成生態環境具有客觀的內在價值,人類則應該尊重生態環境,並與生態環境和諧共處。;This thesis aims to study environmental ethicist Holmes Rolston, III how to illustrate the objective intrinsic value of ecological environment and reflect. Rolston claims natural pre-existing human and he illustrate the intrinsic value, instrumental value and systemic value all into relationships. Rolston believes ecosystems also have intrinsic value in itself, and thus propose systemic value. Hope to search Rolston’s intrinsic value of the system which can justify the ecological environment has objective intrinsic value. Consequently, human should have an appropriate respect for the ecological environment and will be in harmony with it.