本文研究為儲氫合金顆粒床有效熱傳導係數量測實驗。實驗利用一維軸向熱傳系統量測儲氫合金LaNi5的熱傳導係數,實驗內容主要著重於觀察儲氫床溫度對熱傳導係數之影響,因此實驗開始前會調整儲氫床的平均溫度接著固定相同供氫壓力的方式去進行-30、40、50℃三組不同的溫度參數之實驗。 實驗結果顯示,儲氫合金熱傳導係數主要受以下兩者機制所影響,儲氫量與氣體之熱傳導係數,當儲氫床之溫度提昇時合金顆粒間氣體的熱傳導係數會與之提升,但同時溫度的提升將使平衡壓上升導致儲氫量下降,造成整體熱傳導係數下降,而由結果推論可得前者的影響機制較後者為強,導致儲氫床溫度提升時整體熱傳導係數上升。 ;This research presents experimental investigation of the effective thermal conductivity of a hydride metal bed. Experiments were performed using one-dimensional axial heat transfer systems to measure the effective thermal conductivity of the LaNi5 hydrogen storage alloy. The experiments mainly focused on the effects of temperature on the thermal conductivity. By adjusting the average temperature of the alloy bed, the effective thermal conductivity was measured at three temperatures of 30、40、50 ℃, respectively with fixed hydrogen supply/back pressures. The effective thermal conductivities at different temperatures were compared. Results from the experiments show that the effective thermal conductivity of the LaNi5 hydride alloy increased with increasing temperature. This scenario may be attributable to the following two mechanisms: (1) the thermal conductivity of the hydrogen gas in the pores of the bed increased with temperature, (2) the hydrogen content decreased with increasing temperature, in turn causing the effective thermal conductivity to decline. As the effective thermal conductivity of the LaNi5 hydride alloy as a whole increased with temperature. The former mechanism was conjectured to be more profound than the latter within the temperature range considered.