然而,我們在多路徑傳輸中發現了兩個問題,第一點為在多路徑傳輸協定 (MPTCP) 之 Linux 核心實現下的壅塞控制演算法中,對於其他一般傳輸控制協定 (TCP) 的服務連結來說,多路徑傳輸協定存在著公平性的議題。此外,第二點為我們也發現到並指出在多傳輸路徑之 Linux 核心實現中,預設的排程會導致整體多路徑傳輸控制協定傳輸的效能下降。
為了釐清以及解決這些存在的問題,我們提出了整合壅塞控制以及封包排程並讓彼此間能通力合作的演算法,我們命名為多路徑傳輸控制協定下之整合型壅塞及路徑控制,目的是為了解決上述兩個議題所造成的問題。透過我們提出的演算法,並且實現在 Linux 核心下的多路徑傳輸控制協定,最後可在結果中看出整合型壅塞及路徑控制演算法的效能高出於在傳統多路徑傳輸控制協定下的效能。;Nowadays with the various kinds of wireless technologies, the most of mobile devices have multiple network interfaces. It allows to transfer the data between the multi-homed end devices with Multipath TCP (MPTCP). However, the MPTCP transport exists the fairness issue to other TCP connection services over default congestion control (Coupled) algorithm in MPTCP-Linux Kernel implementation. Moreover, we point out the porblems with the default scheduler in MPTCP Linux Kernel implementation that may cause the degradation of the performance in whole MPTCP transport. To clear up these issues, we propose the cooperation algorithm of congestion control and scheduler to alleviate these two problems mentioned above, called Integrated Congestion and Path Control algorithm. The performance over the proposed algorithm in the MPTCP Linux Kernel implementation shown in the results is higher than the default setting in MPTCP transport.