乘客討厭旅途中存在不確定性,若乘客有即時並且個人化的公車資訊可以幫助他決定路線並且快速到達目的地,同時也減少旅途中乘客需要處理的不確定性。最近台北公車路線規劃的應用程式已經被開發出來並提供公車乘客較短的路徑到達公車站以及公車到站時間。但是這些資訊都只是文字地圖資訊,這對該地不熟悉的人很難知道地圖上所標記的地點到底是哪些地方。 由於近年智慧型手機的改良並讓location-based AR 的服務可以實現在智慧型手機上。本論文為了克服前面所提到的問題,我們開發一種擴增實境的方式使使用者可以用容易取得公車資訊,我們程式將公車資訊顯示於智慧型手機的相機介面上其中提供導航功能,使得使用者可以根據指令到達最近的公車站牌,系統根據使用者即時的位置和使用者持握手機的角度提供視野中可以看見相關的擴增實境POI (Point of Interest)資訊,系統也與台北公車動態資料庫透過網路存取的方式合作取得各個公車站牌的資訊如預估到站時間等。最後實驗結果會證實於各種不同品牌的Android 智慧型手機我們的系統所有功能都能正常運作,且於其他相似功能的公車導航程式,我們的系統取得較好的效能,資料消耗率於HTC Sensational XL 智慧型手機只有0.25 KBps。 ;A bus passenger dislikes uncertainty in his traveling. If he could get instant, personal, and real-time bus information traffic or solutions that help him make decision to reach his destination (reduce travel time), he would have much less uncertainty to deal with. Recently, Taipei Bus Route Planner application was developed to help bus passengers make a plan about get the correct buses by providing them with information about the shortest path route and arrival time. However, these information are provided in text based map view. It is difficult to understand them for the person who does not know place in the map. Recent improvements in the capabilities of smart phones are making the location-based augmented reality services a reality. In this study, to overcome the problem, we have developed an Augmented Reality feature to support the information that user get. This application aiming to supports the action of a bus user in an innovative way by putting information on a smart phone camera screen and give the instruction assistant that leading the user way to the nearest bus stop. The system provides Augmented Reality POI (Point of Interest) of available bus stop based on user’s position and orientation. It also incorporates with a dynamic Taipei bus database that built from Taipei Bus API for on-line access to corresponding bus stop data, estimate time, and route information. The experimental results show that, the overall functional of proposed application can be run well in various type of Android smartphone. When compared with similar bus travelling applications, the proposed application works more efficient with data consumption in HTC Sensational XL client only 0.25 KBps.