網路電話在現代社會變得越來越流行。隱私是一個網路電話重要的特性。 但不幸的是,大部份的點對點網路電話既不提供個人隱私也不保證一定的安全程度。在本文中我們提出了一種以K匿名為基礎的方式來防範特定攻擊者追蹤網路電話使用者的身份,並在不同的安全程度底下比較封包延遲時間以及通訊消耗。;VoIP (voice over IP) networks are becoming more and more popular in modern society. One of the most important features of a VoIP network is privacy (for VoIP users). Unfortunately, most peer-to-peer VoIP networks neither provide personalization nor guarantee a quantifiable privacy level. In this thesis, we propose a SDN-based approach to prevent flow analysis attack trying to trace user’s identity. Flow analysis attack will trace the flow which specific caller transmits, and try to find possible receiver, threat user’s privacy. We present the latency and number of packets in our method, while meeting customizable privacy guarantees.