國軍新型武器裝備成軍已多年,部份裝備與設施已開始老化,裝備逐漸步入維修高峰期,維修經費與人力日漸增加。此外,近幾年因政策因素執行人力縮編,而人員裁減後仍須維持裝備妥善,人力需求與高額修護成本形成武器設備維護主要問題。在一定的維護作業程序中,如何以採購方式獲得需求料件,與執行後勤維保作業,從文獻回顧後得知,美國國防產業與美軍近年持續推廣成效式契約與效益後勤,所得到的經驗,可以運用在國軍武器裝備設施採購作為上。為釐清國軍武器設備維護採用成效式契約之可行性,本研究經由分析現有裝備維修作業流程與委外契約之現況,進而以國軍現執行財務、勞務通用契約為基礎,透過實施問卷調查,分析增加績效獎金、罰則、檢驗指標及付款方式等成效式契約主體之可行性。經由本研究之分析,國軍武器設備維護採用成效式契約係為可行性,日後對於如何執行,應有更深入的分析與研討,以利確保機制的完整性,進而提升武器設備的品質與壽命。;The advanced missile systems and devices have been deployed in Armed Forces for many years. Some of the weapon systems and devices have stepped into the peak of maintenance requirements that will increase the maintenance cost and labors. In addition, the policies of the Ministry of National Defense trend to down size the organization. However, it will seriously affect the quality and readiness of the weapon systems. Based on literature review, this study found that American defense industries and U.S. military received benefits from employing the Performance Based Contract (PBC) and the Performance Based Logistics (PBL) for many years. So, the PBC and PBL are the options for our military on the weapon logistics and maintenance in the near future. The purpose of this study is to explore the feasibility of applying PBC on weapon systems maintenance. Based on the current general finance and labor service contracts, this study used a questionnaire to obtain experts’ opinions on increasing the performance incentive, penalty, and determining performance and payment criteria, those are the core of a PBC. This study concluded that PBC is suitable for weapon systems maintenance, which encourages the contractors to promote service effectiveness so as to increase the maintenance quality and to extend the shelf life of the weapon systems. How to implement the PBC in weapon systems maintenance could be further studied in the future.