科學家們利用智慧型天線 (Smart Antenna) 來接收特定入射角度的傳輸訊號,然而訊號在地面上或是室內等地方進行傳輸時候會因為通道的影響造成失真,並且接收到的訊號是包含了欲求訊號、干擾訊號和雜訊。廣義旁帶消除器(Generalized Sidelobe Canceller, GSC)用來抑制干擾訊號和雜訊,並且得到欲求訊號。在本篇論文中使用了 GSC 和決策回授系統 (Decision Feedback, DF)來處理多路徑 (Multipath) 通道問題,並且同時增進 GSC 的效能。本篇論文以盲目等化演算法 (Blind equalization) 來取代舊有的訓練符元 (training sequence) 以及決策方法 (decision-directed method) 來做 DF 系統的設計。除此之外,訊號入射至天線伴隨著角度誤差(Directed-of-arrival mismatch, DOA mismatch) 的問題,若入射的角 度誤差無法做修正的話會對 GSC 系統效能造成影響。因此本篇論文是假設在目標物為移動訊號源的情況下所產生的角度誤差,利用延展型卡爾曼濾波器(Extended Kalman Filtering, EKF) 來對角度進行追蹤以改善此項問題。;The smart antenna technology is used for receiving the signals with a specific impinging angle. However, the receive signal is usually distorted by the channel and is composed of the desired signal, interference signals, and noises. The generalized sidelobe canceller (GSC)method can be used to eliminate the interference and noise in order to obtain the desired signal. In this thesis, the GSC , blind equalization, and decision directed method are considered to deal with the multipath channel with improved GSC performance. Instead of using the training sequence for adaptive GSC, the decision directed signal along with blind equalization is used for the GSC. The mismatched DOA can do damage to the GSC performance. In the proposed GSC, the direction-of-arrival(DOA) is under tracking and correction with the extended Kalman filter for mobile target sources to solve the mismatched DOA problem.