本研究目標為將N型矽晶材料輔以紫外光蝕刻做出多孔矽層,製作出適用於太陽能電池之材料。目前在太陽能電池中,製作種類可分為單晶矽、多晶矽以及非晶矽,其中更以單晶矽的轉換效率最佳,在實驗過程中嘗試以加熱再結晶的方法使多孔矽表面形成一層單晶矽層。因傳統爐管加熱方式所耗費時間較長,故本實驗施以兩種不同加熱方式使他表面產生晶體再結晶,藉由儀器檢測比較不同加熱方式造成的表面結晶品質的差異,在蝕刻時的參數包含時間、濃度、電流、光照以及熱處理時的溫度、時間、環境氣氛,由參數的改變與設定製作出多孔矽材料,再藉由X光繞射去檢測不同數據下晶體結晶的品質,以利往後依需求不同而選取適合的參數及加熱方式。;The aim of this research is to make porous silicon layer on a n-type silicon wafer with the exposure of UV light,which could be used as a kind of solar cell material. Silicon based materiad that can be used in solar cell can be seprate as single crystalline ,polysilicon ,and amorphous silicon , in which single crystal silicon solar cell has best efficiency .In this experiment, we try to make a single crystal layer on the surface of the silicon wafer with the method of thermal annealing . Because of the long time that traditional method cost, we use two different ways to recrystallize the wafer surface and then study the quality difference after two kinds of treatment. The experiment parameters includes time, concentration, illumination, and the temperature, time and environment during anealling. We made difference porous silicon wafers by controlling experiment parameters , and test the quality under different conditions. All these work can be a data base for future work.