摘要: | 明代歷史上史稱「萬曆三大征」發生於萬曆二十年(1592)至二十八年(1600)這段時間,其中「朝鮮之役」就佔了七年之久,這場始於萬曆二十年(1592)的朝鮮之役曾因雙方和談區分為二個階段,因逢使用年號不同,在日本區分為「文祿」、「慶長」之役;韓國則稱「壬辰」 倭亂、「丁酉」再亂。三國之間在此之前曾維持長時間的和平,民間有關貿易、商旅的活動往來也不曾間斷。然在剛統一日本戰國時代的豐臣秀吉,發動大軍侵犯承平日久的朝鮮後,和平的東北亞便開始進入不安的混亂局面。面對來勢洶洶的日軍精銳,朝鮮不到兩個月就面臨亡國的危機,而向大明求援。面對藩屬國的求救,明萬曆皇帝作出了東征禦日援朝的決定,面對日本這個初次在戰場上接觸的對手,明朝派遣了當時的遼東名將李如松(1549 -1598)擔任主帥出征,此舉不但遏止日本併吞朝鮮的野心,也使得李如松成為在明代歷史上首位打敗日本正規軍的將領,所創造的局面與戰果,對其明代歷史長河的發展都有著深遠的影響。最主要的,即深固了明朝在朝鮮心中宗主國的地位,使其成為明中後期,一個牽制後金的重要戰略力量,甚至到清朝立國後,朝鮮內部卻還仍以明朝為正朔。;In the history of Ming Dynasty, there were three major expeditions, regarded as the “Three Major Expeditions during Wanli” from 1592 to 1600. Among these wars, the longest one was the “The War of Joseon”, which lasted for seven years. Beginning in 1592, this war was separated into two stages because of the negotiations between the powers engaged in it, and was called in different names from the different perspectives of the countries involved. In Japan, it was regarded as Bunroku no Eki (ぶんろくのえき) or Keichō no Eki (けいちょうのえき); in Korea, Imjin Waeran (임진왜란), Jeong-yu Jaeran (정유재란), or Imjin Joguk Jeonjaeng (임진조국전쟁). Before this war, the three countries enjoyed peace for a prolonged period, with trade among the people conducted by traveling merchants through active trade activities. However, when Toyotomi Hideyoshi united Japan and ended the Sengoku Period (the Warring States), he launched a massive scale invasion of Joseon, which enjoyed peace and prosperity for a considerable period of time, bringing turmoil and unrest to the northeast Asia. Facing the well-trained Japanese troops, Joseon was nearly wiped out after two months. Without any other option, it sought help from the Ming Empire, whose emperor Wanli made a decision to suppress the invasion of the Japanese, upon the request of its vassal state. To fight against the Japanese in the battlefield for the first time, Ming Dynasty sent Li Ru-song (1549-1598), a general in Liaodong, to be the commander. With his expedition, he not only shattered the Japanese ambition of annexing Joseon but also ranked him the first general in the Ming history that defeated Japan’s regular troops. His participation and contribution to the war exerted long-lasting influences on the development of Ming history. His major contribution was to consolidate the Ming Empire’s control, helping it become the major power that impeded the invasion of Late Jin. Even when Ming declined and Qing Empire was established, Joseon still regarded Ming Dynasty an ally state.
Keywords: Li Ru-song, Ryu Seong-ryong, Toyotomi Hideyoshi, Pyongyang, Byeokjegwan |