台灣位處在活動板塊的聚合帶上,地震頻繁,中央氣象局現有的地震監測網可以提供災害發生預警或防災的功用,但是影響台灣地區的地震有將近70%分布在台灣陸上地震站網以外的海域下,現有陸上的地震站尚不足以提供有效的監測。如果我國能在台灣東部海域建置海底電纜的觀測系統,不但可以近距離獲得海域即時的地震訊息,提供地震預警效果,也可以作為海嘯及海底火山等天然災害的即時監測用途。海域海底電纜的觀測系統同時也可以提供多功能如海底溫度、鹽度、海底傾斜變動等即時且永久觀測用途。海域海底電纜的觀測系統不但可作為災害預警以減少自然災害的破壞性及人員傷亡,也是極為有效的科學研究工具。目前台灣東部海域已完成由宜蘭頭城向東南外海延伸45公里的海底電纜。本計畫主要目的分析現階段氣象局海纜系統所收集資料,以瞭解海纜系統運作效能,並分析其對海域地震及海嘯的監測能力。評估花蓮到臺灣東南方海域以及恆春(或枋寮)向巴士海峽西南方佈建海纜觀測系統的可行性,做為氣象局下一階段規劃建置防災海纜觀測系統之參考依據。;Taiwan is located at the plate boundary between the Eurasian and Philippine Sea plates. Taiwan is a highly risky area of earthquakes and tsunamis. Especially, over 70 percents of the earthquakes in Taiwan occurred in the offshore area. Based on the inland observation network, the observation and monitoring of those earthquakes are apparently insufficient. Therefore, the establishment of submarine cable observatories off eastern Taiwan can not only provide real-time earthquake information, but also allow us to establish an efficient earthquake warning system. Using submarine cables as observatories can also be applied to real-time monitoring of tsunamis, submarine volcanoes natural disasters, which can mitigate the loss from natural disasters. The submarine cable observatories are also useful tools and can be used to observe seafloor temperature, salinity, seafloor tilting conditions. The purpose of this project is to understand and analyze the data acquiring by the MACHO submarine cable in an aim to know the efficiency of the MACHO submarine cable system for monitoring of marine earthquakes and tsunamis. Another purpose is to evaluate the possibility of extending the submarine cable observation system further eastward.;研究期間:10403~10412