筒倉試驗常用於探討顆粒體的流動特性,包含速度、壓力、流量等,不同之筒倉幾何參數及顆粒材料參數會呈現不同的流動型態。本研究係用PFC 3D軟體並以實驗室內筒倉之幾何參數及顆粒材料參數進行數值模擬,並分析顆粒於筒倉內流動之型態、速度、流量、流動路徑軌跡,以及顆粒流出筒倉後落入下方矩形渠槽之堆積分佈。本模擬將筒倉內顆粒依垂直高度分為五種不同之顏色,依流動型態分析本模擬之結果類似於漏斗狀流動(funnel flow),顆粒流動時流量峰值與低值會有週期性之變化;經單顆粒追蹤結果發現越靠近筒倉上方之顆粒,在流動時會有往中間集中之現象;顆粒從筒倉落入下方矩形渠槽後堆積之分佈與原本筒倉內顆粒之分佈差異很大。;Granular flows in Silos are frequently examined by both experimental work and numerical simulations. The key physical parameters in silos include the velocity, the pressure, the heap shape and the flow rate. The PFC 3D model is employed in this study and to explore the granular flows in an experimental silo. The simulated flow patterns, velocity, flow rate, and particle trajectories of the particles flow, are compared with experimental results. The flow patters depict he funnel-type flows. The flow rate from the silo shows a fluctuation due to the arching effect near the orifice. The flow paths of top layer are more concentrated them the bottom layer in the silo.