本研究使用之砂土試體為取自台灣中港溪下游之竹南海邊乾砂,共進行五組試驗,兩組極限側推載重試驗,樁底條件為固定端;一組極限側推載重試驗,樁底條件為自由端;兩組反覆側推載重試驗,樁底條件為固定端,反覆載重作用週數分別為一千次及一萬次。首先進行極限側推載重試驗,由樁身應變計量測之樁身彎矩,代入回歸分析方法分別微分與積分求得土壤反力與樁身變位沿深度分佈函數,建立砂土之p-y曲線,進一步與前人研究比較,並歸納出此樁-土系統之地盤反力係數參數。使用極限側推載重試驗結果,決定反覆側推載重試驗之載重振幅,建立反覆載重作用砂土之p-y曲線,歸納出地盤反力係數隨反覆載重作用週數變化之特性,並由樁頭之載重與位移關係曲線,探討此樁-土系統受反覆側向力後之樁頭勁度與累積殘留位移。 ;Taiwan has very high density of population. Because the wind turbines make noise, so it is not suitable for the construction of offshore wind turbines in the western land. It is necessary to develop the offshore wind turbines at the offshore environment. The offshore wind turbines usually subjected to cyclic lateral loadings induced by wind and sea wave. In this research, designs the equipment and plans a series of experiments on a model aluminum pile to discussion the behavior of the pile under lateral load.
In this research, use Zhunan sand to make the soil of the experiment. Three static load tests were conducted. Two of the test was fixed-end and another test was free-end. Two cyclic load tests were conducted and were fixed end. The number of cycles was one thousand and ten thousand. The mending moment measured by the strain gauges on the pile. Use the regression analysis to calculate the function of the pile deflection and soil resistance. Collecting the pile deflection and soil resistance deduce the p-y curves. Calculated the characteristic parameters of coefficient of subgrade reaction with static load and cyclic load. The load-displacement curves of the pile head were discussed the permanent displacement and the pile secant stiffness under cyclic lateral loads.