本研究大致可以分為兩大部分:第一部分為觀察在金屬催化無電鍍銀循環蝕刻下矽晶奈米線尖針化的演化趨勢並描述反應機制,同時測量其場發射效應;第二部分為研究在高溫下鐵金屬薄膜與矽晶奈米線之矽化反應。 本實驗利用聚苯乙烯奈米球模板結合金屬催化化學蝕刻法在Si(110)矽晶基材上製備大面積準直規則有序排列之矽晶奈米線陣列,然後在金屬催化無電鍍銀循環蝕刻下修飾矽晶奈米線成尖針狀結構,接著藉由SEM、TEM以及水滴接觸角量測觀察矽晶奈米線尖針化的演化趨勢並描述其反應機制,最後測量並探討循環蝕刻0次、2次以及4次矽晶奈米線之場發射效應。 本實驗藉由電子槍熱蒸鍍系統在規則有序排列之矽晶奈米線陣列模板傾角鍍制一層20 nm鐵薄膜,並在高溫爐管下進行退火反應。利用SEM、TEM以及EDS觀察研究在900 oC下鐵金屬薄膜與矽晶奈米線介面處的矽化反應及擴散機制,並利用固-液-固機制解釋在1000 oC下矽晶奈米線表面生成奈米細線的現象。 ;There are two parts in this study. The first part is observation the sharped trends and discused the etching mechanism of silicon nanowires by cycle metal-assisted eletroless chemical etching, and then measured the field emission property of silicon nanowires after different etching times. And the second part is discussing the diffusion reaction of iron film and Silicon nanowire during different temperature. In this study, we applied polystyrene nanosphere template and metal-assisted chemical etching to fabricate of large area single-crystalline silicon nanowires array on silicon (110) substrate, then modified the silicon nanowires to sharp the structure by cycle metal-assisted eletroless chemical etching. We observed and discussed the sharped trends and the etching mechanism by SEM、TEM and contact angle analysis. At last we measured the field emission property of silicon nanowires during various treatments. In this work, we deposited iron for 20 nm on silicon nanowires array by lateral deposition, then treated it by high temperature to form metal silicide nanoparticles on silicon nanowires. We applied SEM、TEM and EDS to discussing the diffusion reaction of iron film and silicon nanowires and quantitative analysis during 900 oC and 1000 oC. We gave an explanation of growing small nanowires from the surface of silicon nanowire at 1000 oC by Solid-Liquid-Solid mechanism.