為了更加了解台灣西南海域的海底崩移事件,本研究利用6條多頻道反射震測資料(MCS),和11條底質剖面資料(chirp sonar profiler),試圖分析高屏斜坡的海底山崩特徵,並探討海底山崩與泥貫入體之關聯性。 由反射震測資料發現在水深約2180公尺(雙層走時2秒)的地方,可觀察到海底仿擬反射(BSR)的訊號。另外,本研究區域亦觀察到許多泥貫入體,山崩位置多位於泥貫入體的上方或兩側,顯示泥貫入體侵入除了使地層稍微往上拱之外,可能也加速或造成地層的崩塌。而受泥貫入體侵入影響,兩側地層呈高角度傾斜,新的沉積物覆蓋形成上覆構造(onlap),顯示此地區目前還在活動中。 高屏上部斜坡可觀察到大量的潛層滑移特徵,這些淺層滑移說明邊坡不穩定的區域,未來即有可能轉變成海底山崩。這些崩塌事件多分布在泥貫入體的上方或兩側,可分成潛移(creep)與轉動(slump)滑移兩種。潛移多發生在深度約700公尺以內,轉動滑移則在1300公尺以內。 ;To better understand the submarine landslides off SW Taiwan, we have conducted multichannel seismic (MCS) reflection and chirp sonar surveys. We will use the collected data to analyze the submarine landslides in the Kaoping Slope and to understand the correlation between the submarine landslides and the mud diapirs. The distribution of the bottom simulating reflectors (BSR) off SW Taiwan stops close to the major landslide areas where the gas hydrates start to dissociate. In addition, the study area consists of many mud diapirs. Submarine landslides generally occur near the summits of the mud diapirs or at their flanks. The upward motion of the mud diapirs may cause collapse of strata. Due to the mud diapirism, both sides of strata show a high angle tilt. Younger sediments show onlap structures, indicating that the region may be still active. In the Kaoping Slope area, there are numerous creeping features. The shallow layer of creeping phenomenon indicates an unstable region, where submarine landslides may occur.