本論文以平面波展開法、長波極限法以及多重散射法來研究光子晶體之傳導帶特性,並提出一種新式的波導-介電質柱波導,它是由一列的介電質柱所構成。在適當的頻率下,光的能量會侷限在每根柱子內,很像是光在一個接著一個的共振腔中傳播。此種波導可在許多不同結構下仍然可以有很高的穿透率,並且不像光子晶體波導具有幾何結構上的限制,只能做特定角度的轉彎,任意角度的轉彎對於介電質柱波導是可達成的 。並且相對於傳統介電質波導,可大幅降低轉彎時所需的曲率半徑,相信在未來,此種形式的波導會在光電元件及積體光學中扮演重要的角色。We propose a new type of optical waveguide that consists of several dielectric rods. In this new type of optical waveguide, energy will localize in every rod in some frequency, as light propagating in strongly localized cavities. High transmission is observed for various waveguide structures. All angle bends in dielectric rods waveguide can be happened, but photonic crystal waveguide can’t. And it uses less radius of curvature then classical dielectric waveguide. The waveguide may have practical importance for development of optoeletronic components and circuits.