新竹科學園區之產值在全國總產值中佔有極高的比例,一旦受到天然災害的侵襲,對於社會經濟的影響極為嚴重,如何透過適當的防災規畫與處理,減少災害衝擊實為極重要與迫切的工作。而為有效的進行防減災工作,及在災害發生時採取正確迅速之緊急應變措施,以將災害之影響降至最低,則有賴於正確完整防救災資訊之提供,而此即為本研究之主要目的。 而本研究主要內容如下: (1)緊急應變計畫研擬導引之建構 (2)緊急應變管理要點之研擬 The output value of Hsin-Chu Science Based Industrial Park make up a high percentage of whole output value of our country. If this area was attacked by disasters, it will cause catastrophic and serious effect in economic of our country. How to appropriately plan and manage emergency to prevent and mitigate losses caused by disasters is important and urgent. Providing complete and correct information will be useful to prevent and mitigate disaster loss effectively. The main purpose of this research is to provide information and assist SIPA in emergency management. This system can also be used by the other organizations in the science park. The following are main study results of this research: (1)Build an emergency management guide to assist user in developing emergency response plan. (2)Propose the core operational considerations of emergency management.