中風在已開發國家中是造成死亡和殘疾的主要原因排名第二。並為國家醫療保健系統帶來沉重負擔,糖尿病是青光眼的常見合併症,這兩種疾病都是中風的已知危險因素,且這兩種疾病在全球的盛行率越來越高。在近年研究中,有許多青光眼對於中風的風險影響和中風在糖尿病患者的風險的一些研究。然而,對於青光眼患者同時患有糖尿病是否會增加中風的風險和糖尿病藥物Metformin及Sulfonylurea對於青光眼病人同時患有糖尿病的治療效果的長期追蹤研究尚未有人提出。為了研究這個議題,我們使用了台灣全民健康保險研究數據庫(NHIRD)評估青光眼患者併發糖尿病對於中風風險的影響,同時研究在這些患者中兩種糖尿病藥物的治療效果。;Stroke is the second most common cause of death and a primary source of disability in developed countries. And it becomes a heavy burden on national healthcare systems. Diabetes is a common comorbidity of glaucoma, and these two diseases are both risk factor of stroke. In recent years, there are some studies about the effect of stroke in glaucoma patients and the risk of stroke in diabetes patients. However, there still no long-term studies about whether glaucoma patients with diabetes will increase the risk of Stroke and the effect of diabetes treatments in glaucoma patients with diabetes. To address this issue, we used the Taiwan National Health Insurance Research Database (NHIRD) evaluate the stroke effect of in glaucoma patients with previous diabetes compared to only glaucoma patients, and we also evaluate the risk of stroke in these patients treated with Metformin and Sulfonylurea.