本研究觀察我國房地產市場發現,購買房屋不僅是一種消費行為,同時房地產也是投資商品,綜觀房地產業發展歷史,隨著房地資訊的開放及透明度提升,房地產日趨同質化、顧客越趨專業化,房地產業者開始將顧客對其品牌形象之印象納入行銷策略中。本研究擬經由顧客價值取向觀點切入,進行建設公司品牌形象、行銷策略及顧客價值取向三者關係探討之研究,研究目的為探討建設公司的品牌形象與行銷策略之間的關聯性、行銷策略對顧客價值取向之間的關聯以及驗證建設公司品牌形象、行銷策略及顧客價值三者間關係。經實證研究發現:品牌形象及行銷策略對於顧客價值取向確實具備影響性,而行銷策略於建設公司品牌形象對顧客價值取向的影響具中介效果。;Corporate brand image typically influences purchasing willingness of customers. How to identify its impact so as to integrate that marketing strategies is the purpose of the study. Four major hypotheses are made: (H1) corporate brand image of real estate developers influences marketing strategy portfolio; (H2) corporate brand image of real estate developers influences customer purchasing willingness; (H3) marketing strategy portfolio has mediating effect to customer purchasing willingness; (H4) corporate brand image of real estate developers has mediating effect to customer purchasing willingness. 208 questionnaires based on the hypotheses are randomly collected from house buyers. 73 out of 208 returns are deleted due to invalid responses. The analysis to the returned questionnaires shows that these 4 major hypotheses all stand with few rejections for sub-hypotheses. The marketing strategy portfolio may make adjustments using the results to increase sales for real estate developers.