本論文發展一套自動相機校正與二維輪廓影像萃取之流程。首先介紹相機校正的應用,其次介紹相機校正的方法,接著介紹相機模型與二維輪廓萃取相關理論。 本論文以2D校正為基礎,發展使用不同型態定位片之校正流程,包含影像處理、感興趣區域找尋與解碼定位片,並以自二維影像萃取出之輪廓外形配合相機校正之結果進行由本論文開發的反投影方法,還原相機在拍攝當下的環境,並將二維影像上的資訊由像素單位轉換至長度單位。 本論文最後舉三個不同範例,利用本論文提出之自動相機校正與二維輪廓影像萃取之流程產生校正結果,並使用這些結果輸入至應用端重建三維模型,用以驗證本研究之正確性。 ;This study develops a process of automatic camera calibration and extracts silhouette from 2D images. First, this study introduced camera calibration applications, and then introduced camera calibration methods. Finally, this study introduced theory of camera model and silhouette extraction method from 2D images. This study, based on 2D camera calibration, develops a process of different type camera calibration pattern, including image process, regions of interest and decode calibration pattern. Performing re-projection method developed in this study by silhouette from 2D images and camera calibration result, this study are able to reappear the picture taking parameters and translate pixel unit to physical unit. At last, this study will demonstrate three examples, using the development of process of automatic camera calibration and extract silhouette from 2D images and re-projection method. They are used to verify the accuracy of this study.