本研究主要是進行太陽能充電系統無線感測器系統之研究;主要的概念構想是架構一種從室內燈源採集電源之無線訊號發射器,達成無線訊號發射器無線佈署之功能,並提供室內定位系統不需經常更換電池之長效使用。本研究整合太陽能發電模組、電源管理模組、微控制器控制電路模組與Wi-Fi無線傳輸模組等模組進行可行性研究。為了解決電源供電能力限制問題,本研究設計使用高容量鋰電池的電源管理模組於無線訊號發射器模組架構中,以達到無線訊號發射器系統穩定操作的目的。本文經由硬體實作與信號量測觀察,其結果有助於驗證所提架構之可行性以及確立未來發展方向。;This thesis is to design and develop the energy harvesting wireless broadcasting system using indoor lighting as power source. The experimental wireless signal broadcaster is integrated by solar cell charging subsystem, electric power management module, MCU controller module and Wi-Fi module. We propose an indoor positioning system based on such broadcasting system. In order to manage the limited harvesting electric power, we implement a dual-capacitor electric power management module to achieve stable system operation. After the preliminary verification and system test, the concept and system design of the wireless broadcasting system are feasible and the system is very suitable for environmental surveillance applications.