本研究論文透過Arduino Uno Rev3開發板來做為電表資訊辨識裝置的控制板,透過板子控制相機進行電表資訊的擷取接著再透過預先在電腦寫好的辨識程式進行用戶的用電量分析等功能,而Arduino的相關語法淺顯易懂且網路上有很多其他開發者免費公開分享的資料可以學習,且價格便宜好入手,讓一般的使用者可以不再被市場所販售的產品局限功能而進行客制化。 ;The purpose of this research is to design an Arduino-based device that can receive a power meter′s usage data for further analysis. By using the Arduino Uno Rev3 development board and the JPEG camera, users can add customized features such as the ones for this research and integrate them into a single device. One significant feature of our device is that it can recognize regular text or numbers that are displayed on any power meter because of reusing the OCR (optical character reader) library. Currently, similar devices on the market are more expensive and do not allow users to develop new functions. Hence, if users want to add more functions, they need to pay for the extension components or plugins, which undoubtedly increase the overall cost. Various font types and characters, which were displayed on power meters and captured by the JPEG camera, were used to test the correctness of our device functionality. The results showed that it can continuously send actual meter readings to a computer for further analysis.