台灣地區地狹人稠,民生需求之接水接電及公共設施維生管線之挖埋已成為常態也是道路養護單位執行路面維護之最大困擾;而公共設施管線因普遍埋設於道路底下屬於隱蔽設施,管線埋設因空間受限常相互縱橫交錯,若無法清楚掌握管線之正確埋設位置,將發生誤挖管線造成停水停電影響民眾生活甚至造成嚴重公安意外。因此,如何清楚掌握管線之埋設位置進而做好管線全生命週期之管理,已成為「後路平時代」之重要課題。 本研究嘗試將建築資訊模型(BIM)的發展技術導入道路底下公共設施管線管理,利用建築資訊模型具有全生命週期管理應用及整合作業之特性,從新設道路規劃埋設管線階段即導入BIM工具協助介面整合,並持續至維護管理階段及汰舊更新階段,以減少路面重覆挖掘;本研究以目前國內外積極發展的BIM技術為基礎,針對道路及地下管線之特性,提出「地下管線資訊模型」(Underground Pipelines Information Modeling, 簡稱UPIM)的新概念,希冀對長久以來影響道路養護效能的地下管線管理問題,提出一新的解決對策。 由於國內外還未見相關之應用及研究,故本研究將提出架構性之導入策略,並提出可行性評估、導入作業流程、因應之契約規範、預期效益評估及短中長期推動目標等,建立妥善的配套措施及執行方案做為後續推動此項新制度之參考,並鎖定地下維生管線密集及挖埋頻繁之新闢「市區道路」為驗證案例,建構全生命週期之地下管線資訊模型管理系統平台雛型,提出地下管線管理之新模式,以期對提昇地下管線管理及精進道路養護作業之效能有所貢獻。 ;Taiwan is densely populated, requiring extensive public facilities in addition to water and electricity. Moreover, maintenance excavation of subsistence lines has become common, causing difficulties in road maintenance. Often, multiple components of utilities, such as water and electricity, overlap underground because of limited space. Inaccurate excavation can often cause damage, affect public life, and endanger lives. Therefore, knowing the precise positioning of buried pipelines is crucial for ensuring effective management of pipeline life cycles.
This study applied building information modeling (BIM) technology to road pipeline management. BIM technology is used and integrated in life-cycle management. The initial use of the BIM tool would assist in constructing interfaces for identifying the stages of buried pipelines. The continued development of the tool would facilitate the elimination of redundant buried pipelines, thereby reducing repeated and unnecessary excavations. In this study, the positive development of the proposed BIM system, referred to as the Underground Pipeline Information Modeling system, was studied locally and abroad. It is anticipated that the long-term effectiveness of the model will positively benefit both the excavation of underground piping and road maintenance and provide a new countermeasure.
Because the proposed system has not been applied domestically or abroad, the present study focused on the feasibility assessment and import processes of BIM technology. The long-term goals were to establish support measures and proper implementation of the program and to promote the proposed BIM system in supporting underground piping in dense urban roads. Enhancing the effectiveness of underground piping requires an information management system that considers the life-cycle information of underground pipeline systems. The findings of the present study can contribute to the sophisticated operation of road maintenance.