依據過去地震經驗發現橋梁常遭受嚴重之損害,而橋梁支承裝置、橋柱之損壞與落橋所造成的損失更為嚴重。因此本研究主要探討含防止落橋裝置之不同支承型式橋梁於大地震時極限狀態的反應。 本研究採用新近發展之隱式結構動力分析方法,適用於處理大變形、大變位、材料非線性與剛體運動等問題,但相較於使用中央差分法處理雷利阻尼相關問題時會有數值發散現象,所以本文採用隱式Newmark-β直接積分求解運動方程式,研提增量迭代計算程序,求得下一步時間之位移、速度與加速度反應,同時計算構件回復內與阻力內力,成功避免高度非線性反應時之發散情形。 本研究以一座五跨隔震支承連續橋梁為目標橋梁,進行參數分析探討於三種不同測站之強震下,橋梁防止落橋裝置與支承、橋墩間之相互影響關係,探討橋梁於地震發生時在極限狀態下之破壞模式。 最後以日本發生祭畤大橋之芮氏規模7.2之強震,這起地震造成岩手及宮城縣多處山崩、道路變形、橋梁斷裂和地表滑移,嘗試模擬此橋在強震中崩塌之破壞歷程,重現橋梁震害過程。 ;In the past extreme earthquake, observed from the damaged bridges, bearing failure, column failure and deck unseating caused a more serious loss.Therefore, it is full of curiosity that how large earthquake will cause a bridge to collapse and how the ultimate state will be. This study is aimed to analyze the ultimate situation of bridges with rigid bearing system and isolated bearing systemthrough numerical analysis. TheImplicit time integration method(Newmark-β), a new computational method is adopted in this study because the TheImplicit time integration method(Newmark-β) has the superior in managing the engineering problems with material nonlinearity, discontinuity, large deformation and arbitrary rigid body motions of deformable bodies. In the past, Compare with Central Different Method to be analysis method, there are numerical disperses when to solve the Rayleigh damping analysis. Implicit time integration method(Newmark-β) is adopted in VFIFE . Incremental formulation of the equation of motion is used to do iteration and to solve the response at next time step (i+1) including the displacement, velocity and acceleration. Furthermore, this calculation is also used to calculate the internal resultant force and the internal damping force exerted by the elements surrounding the particle. Thisstudy analyzes a five-span-continuous isolated bridge to investigate the extreme functions of the columns and unseating prevention devices, and predict the collapse situation of the target bridge. Finally,anextreme earthquake with magnitude of 7.2 occurred in Iwate County, Japan. The earthquake led to a number of landslides and path distorts and especially the collapse of MatsurubeBridge. To realize the failure mechanism of MatsurubeBridge