本研究針對配置可調式鋼板填充牆之構架進行反覆載重實驗,以界定其耐震性能。由實驗結果得知,配置可調式鋼板填充牆可以大幅提升抗彎構架之勁度、強度與消能容量,其強度受到鋼板數目、厚度與排列方式影響。由試驗中可知,可調式鋼板填充牆構架系統中之束制框架無明顯損壞,其破壞皆集中於消能剪力鋼板上,顯示束制框架可提供整體牆面有效束制,防止填充牆之面外變形。另由理論分析結果可知,採用Strip Model之計算方法,可有效計算可調式鋼板填充牆裝置之強度。本研究中利用有限元素軟體ABAQUS分析構架之行為,分析結果顯示其可有效模擬構架系統之勁度、強度與拉力場行為。;This study focused on the experimental evaluation on the seismic performance of the frame system with adjustable steel plate infill wall. A series of loading tests were conducted on frames with various infill wall arrangements. It was found from the test results that the adjustable steel plate infill wall significantly enhanced the stiffness, strength and energy dissipation of the frame system. The frame strength was governed by the number, thickness and arrangement of the steel plates. It was observed from the tests that the damage was concentrated on the steel plates and the frame and the restrainers remained intact. Theoretical derivation using the Strip Model effectively predicted the behavior of the infill walls. Finite element analyses using ABAQUS demonstrated the effectiveness of the proposed design method.