電弧爐煉鋼爐碴係電弧爐煉鋼過程所產生的副產物,依冶煉過程可分為氧化碴及還原碴,由於產生量甚為龐大,且以往均未妥善再利用而任意棄置,因而普遍認定其為廢棄物。電弧爐煉鋼爐碴之還原碴,其化學成份類似於中鋼高爐水淬爐石及台電飛灰,極具研究價值,經由適當的加工處理程序,可以將其資源化再利用。 由於國內對還原碴資源化尚處啟蒙階段,故本研究先以不同還原碴細度與取代量來進行簡易砂漿強度試驗,再利用三水準直交表實驗設計法對還原碴砂漿評估,針對還原碴的顆粒細度、取代部份水泥用量,配合不同水膠比及養治溫度,探討還原碴的強度發展、乾縮情形和抵抗硫酸鹽侵蝕等特性,最後將顯著之影響因子對新拌混凝土之凝結時間與硬固混凝土的齡期強度進行全因子配置,進而評估還原碴應用於取代水泥之價值。 由研究結果得知,降低水膠比、提高養治溫度等均有助於還原碴水泥混凝土早期強度發展,而一般狀況下,還原碴取代量愈高,其強度發展愈慢,尤其在早期強度更為明顯,試體強度發展以取代量20%效果最佳,而提升養治溫度可明顯增加混凝土3天齡期的強度,但還原碴細度達3200cm2/g以上時,對提昇試體早期強度發展並不顯著。 The slags produced electric arc furnace (EAF) steel manufacture are of two types. The process generates two kinds of slags:(1) oxidative slag, with oxidizers and oxygen, resulting from the scrap steel, and (2) reductive slag, with reductants, generated to remove the exceeding oxygen and oxidizers. The paper is focused on the reductive slag. First, with different fineness and weight of cement in the reductive slag, determined the compressive strength development. Then, focused on the four factors:fineness, weight of cement, water/binder ratio, and curing temperature. The influence of reductive slag on the cement hydration and the compressive strength development of mortars was investigated. Finally, found the significance level of factor, in order to estimate the value of application in the reductive slag. Test results confirm that reductive slag concrete tends to elevate the curing temperature and decrease the water/binder ratio significantly at early age. Data also demonstrate that an elevation weight of cement reduces the compressive strength of the concrete, especially at early age. The fineness of the reductive slag is not significance. High quality mortars and concretes with 20% by weight of cement.