本論文為一雷射二極體當光源的掃描式適應性車頭燈,運用電控振鏡系統的方式使得其光形符合歐洲車輛檢測法規ECE R112之汽車遠燈光形。為了得到最大出光量,討論不同的螢光粉噴塗方式與光通量的關係並深入分析探討,其中以直接噴塗在藍寶石基板的架構具有最高的光通量,其光通量可以達到351.6 lm,且能有效散熱。;In this thesis, we design a adaptive-scanning headlamp with the laser diode. The light pattern is controlled by galvo mirror to meet the ECE R112 regulation for automotive high beam. We analyzed and discussed different type coating to increase the flux. Finally, we find out the type that phosphor coats on the sapphire has the hightest flux.The flux of 351.6 lm can be obtained. Furthermore, the type can effectively achieve the effect of heat dissipation.