本研究針對2011年12月,「科學技術基本法」增修第17條第4項及第5項,所訂定「從事研究人員兼職與技術作價投資事業管理辦法」制定歷程分析與研究,以及執行後對公立學研機構影響探討。 首先,從過去針對產學合作、技術作價研究、兼職及利益迴避探討等,進行文獻分析,其次透過利害關係人理論,找出行政院、行政院人事總局、科技部、考試院、銓敘部以及公立學研機構,對於法案制定過程中所產生的折衝進行觀察,最後為個案研究分析,以中央研究院、國立臺灣大學、國立臺灣科技大學及國立中央大學,四所學研機構在「從事研究人員兼職與技術作價投資事業管理辦法」施行後,校內法規的增修及應用,作為本研究分析之重點。 今日,國際社會皆已人才多寡為競爭力指標,各國競相祭出留住人才、吸引人才及活用人才政策,以提升國家競爭力,而「從事研究人員兼職與技術作價投資事業管理辦法」正是以活用人才及解除管制為主軸而生,在未來更多類似法案的制定,使科研環境更加完備,定能大幅提升我國學術應用的競爭力。 ;This study examined the formulation of the “Regulations for Scientific Researchers’ Part-Time Employment and Contribution of Technology as an Equity Investment” in December 2011 as an amendment to Paragraph 4 and 5 of Article 17 of the Fundamental Science and Technology Act and the effects of their implementation on public academic institutions. Prior studies on industry–university collaboration, technology contribution as an equity investment, and scientific researchers’ part-time employment were reviewed. The stakeholder theory was subsequently adopted to explore the debates and compromises among the Executive Yuan, the Directorate-General of the Personnel Administration of the Executive Yuan, the Ministry of Science and Technology, the Examination Yuan, the Ministry of Civil Service, and public academic institutions during the regulations’ legislation. Finally, amendments to the internal laws and regulations of Academia Sinica, National Taiwan University, National Taiwan University of Science and Technology, and National Central University as well as the application of these amendments were analyzed on a case-by-case basis.