在科技發展的歷程中,使用是重要的因素。而科技接受的探討更是科技使用的主要關鍵。目前網路學習環境的滿意度及成效皆與教學平台、操作介面等特性息息相關。 E-learning平台因為自由、開放及功能強大的特性,漸為學校採用。因此,本研究以學習者認知觀點的角度出發,應用於大一微積分課程教學中,暸解學習者對平台系統學習滿意度及學習成效之相關因素,並運用科技接受模型理論作為研究架構之基礎,以100學年度 828 位大一學生為研究樣本,實施問卷調查法,針對學習者對科技認知,進而探討線上學習系統中學習滿意度及學習成效之關鍵因素。 研究結果發現: (1)系統之認知易用性影響認知有用性 (2)認知有用性為影響認知滿意度之關鍵因素 (3)系統之認知易用性影響認知滿意度 (4)認知滿意度影響行為意圖 (5)學生對科技媒介的認知影響實際線上學習成效 (6)學生對科技媒介的認知影響微積分一二及整體學習成效 (7)學生實際使用線上學習平台成效影響微積分一二、英文二及整體學習成效。 ;In the development of technology, the use is the major factor. Studies on the technology acceptance is the key point for the use of it. Nowadays, the satisfaction and the effect of online learning are closely related to the teaching and the manipulation of technology. E-learning platform with its free trait and workable function is getting used at NCU. By this, from the point of learners’cognition, applied to the calculus course of the freshmen in NCU, the study is aimed to find the related factors for the learning satisfaction and the learning effect. The Technology Acceptance Model theory is used as the basis to sample 828 freshmen of NCU. All the samples are taught by using the model and questionnaires to explore the main factors for the learners’learning satisfaction and the effect. The results are: (1) the perceived ease of use of information technology will influence the effect of perceived usefulness; (2) the effect of perceived usefulness is the important factor for the perceived satisfaction; (3) the perceived ease of use of information technology will influence the perceived satisfaction; (4) the perceived satisfaction will influence the behavior intention; (5) the behavior intention will affect the result of the learning effect.