隨著數位時代進步科技突飛猛進,建築工法與技術也因而日新月異,但建築品質卻未相對應的同步成長,在房屋買賣過程中,消費者往往只能就裝修後的成屋感受品質效果,一旦交屋入住後諸如漏水、裂縫等建造瑕疵才一一浮現,因而引發不少保固爭議紛爭。 因此本研究期望透過建構「建築物雲端全生命週期履歷平台」,針對建商與消費者雙贏角度,達到建築資訊透明化、工程施工品質優化、建商核心價值差異化,進而提高消費者消費信心建立商譽。 整個平台架構預計透過規劃、設計、申請建照、施工、竣工、營運維護、拆除等七個建築物全生命週期階段,以最人性化(好用且不增加工作負擔)並符合實際需求為設計原則,力求在簡單的紀錄過程中便足以自動產生符合建管單位、業主、消費者期望之文件需求(含影像)。 本研究以其中應用面最急迫的施工階段為例,嘗試依目前既有系統不足以及實務需求加以分析,進而建構開放式雲端平台架構,以手機APP(支援雙系統)為主要紀錄輔具,搭配建置施工現場即時遠端監控系統,掌握即時施工動態,各個階段以時間、空間、工程別予以編碼紀錄並留存相關廠商聯絡資料、材料試驗報告、施工計劃書、設計及施工圖說、品質查驗過程、缺失改善歷程、相關施工照片及重要的會議錄影影片,所有資料除了可以讓建商擁有完整工程履歷加以應用之外,建造過程中消費者除了能親自參與增加品質信心,在未來維護階段中也可作為維修改建之參考依據。 ;Demands to complete high quality construction projects have been increasing. These usually bring gigantic amount of data where there exist certain amount of data that should be shared throughout all stages of a project. The study objective is, thus, to develop a life-cycle resume platform via cloud computing for buildings. The study started with 8 expert interviews as the first round to narrow down the practical problems and demands. The prototype is accordingly established; therefore, 7 sub-platforms are included: resource management; contract management, scheduling management, quality management, document management, labor and security management, and communication management. Based on cloud storing and computing techniques, this work demonstrates a system that actually works for a real ongoing project. The second round of interviews containing expertise from 10 experienced engineers, supervisors, managers, and supporting staff then was used to evaluate the system. The findings conclude that the system is practical to most residential and commercial building projects.