到目前為止,已有許多的色彩空間陸續被提出,不外乎是想要改善色彩空間的均勻性、希望在色彩空間中顏色的分布更趨均勻;而所謂的「均勻」是指色彩分布情形必須符合人眼的感官知覺。因此在實際應用上可以更為準確。 本研究主要是以國際照明委員會(CIE:Commission Internationale de l'Eclairage)在1931所提出的配色函數 為基礎,企圖以優化的模擬方法—模擬退火法,配合優化條件,直接找出一個恰當的轉換矩陣,以致於由CIE1931x-y色度空間,線性地轉換到另一個更均勻的色彩空間。 然而,本研究也試圖著眼於CIE在2000年訂定的新色差公式—「CIEDE2000」,此色差公式雖然可以較過去更準確地預期符合人眼色彩知覺的色差行為,但卻沒有色彩空間可供應用;且CIEDE2000色差公式的數學複雜性也造成實際應用上的困難。因此若我們可以找到一個符合CIEDE2000色差公式的色彩空間,並且更進一步地改進它,使得這個色彩空間呈現均勻性,我們即可屏除掉CIEDE2000色差公式的複雜計算,也同樣地具備準確計算色差的優點。This research intends to explore with a uniform color space. We reach the goal from the CIE 1931 x-y chromatic coordinate system. At first, the goal is to improve the non-uniformity of the CIE 1931 x-y chromaticity diagram such as to approach the human color sensation as possible; however, its simple methodology still can be kept. In spite of the existence of various kinds of the uniform color coordinate systems built up early (CIE u’v’, CIE Lab, CIE LUV, etc.), the establishment of a genuine uniform color space is actually still an important work both for the basic research in color science and the practica l applications of colorimetry, especially for recent growing request in illumination engineering. In our study, the MacAdam ellipses and the Munsell color chips are utilized for the comparison with the human color sensation. One specific linear transformation matrix is found for the CIE 1931 color matching functions to become the novel uniform ones with the aid of the optimization method. Second, CIE proclaimed a new color difference formula, DE2000, in 2000. DE2000 would predict the color difference between two colors more exactly than other color difference formula. Although DE2000 is a precise color difference formula for human color sensation, it is very complicated with several parameters and no corresponding color space. From the above, we would like to seek a uniform color space. Consequently, the color difference between any two colors can be simply measured by the Euclidean distance in the novel uniform color space and is still fitted to the human color sensation.