呈現侵蝕現象之敏感海岸,其沈積物受週邊水域水動力而移運、延散與擴散,水動力條件是進行海岸防護減災所必須明確掌握的因子。由於近岸波浪場與流場等水動力特性在時間上非定常、空間上為非均勻,傳統應用單點式水文觀測技術,所獲得的資訊過於片面與離散,難以掌握近岸水動力的連續時空特徵。移動式岸基同調微波雷達,可機動性擷取具時空連續性之海表面流場與波浪場等資訊,且觀測成本與維護作業風險較低,是具有高度應用潛力的近海水文監測技術。 本計畫是二年期之第二年度計畫,將持續在水利署第一河川局所轄宜蘭地區侵蝕現象顯著之區域,利用移動式岸基同調微波雷達進行周邊海域近岸流場與波浪場的觀測與實驗;並持續以現場漂流浮標實驗數據探討與評估同調性微波雷達的功能表現及其適用性,並於今年度辦理不同微波波段岸基同調微波雷達監測能力評估作業,探討其應用能力之差異;另一方面,本計畫將評估建置固定式岸基同調微波雷達波流觀測站之可行性,依照觀測海域之流場特性,提出第一河川局所轄海堤區域設置長期固定式岸基同調性微波雷達之規劃,據此獲得各種天候條件下侵蝕海岸週邊海域潮流、海流流場特性,分析近岸水動力所受人工結構物等之影響,冀以藉新的水文技術提升海堤與海岸防護設計。 ;The hydrodynamics in the vicinity of eroding coasts are extremely complicated due to the nearshore factors of wave radiation stress, bottom friction, stratification instability and artificial structure interaction with current and waves. Traditional methods of single fixed-point measurement could not satisfy the needs of complete current and wave mapping on heterogeneous and non-stationary fields. Recent development of the Doppler based coherent microwave radar has great potential for the nearshore hydrodynamics mapping in terms of its capability of temporal-spatial domain monitoring and relatively lower cost. The aim of present project is to evaluate the performance of coherent radar on nearshore current field and wave field mapping. A NCU self-develop system will be implemented at Yi-lan coast under various weather conditions. Field campaigns using drifters will be carried out synchronizely to provide in-situ data for validation and comparative study. The observation current fields will be used to investigate the effects of breakwaters to current fields with the hope to advance the realization of nearshore hydrodynamics with high resolution. ;研究期間:10501 ~ 10512