近年隨著環保意識抬頭,綠色運輸已成為世界趨勢,而台灣高速公路在運輸需 求逐年增加下,使得高速公路服務水準降低,易產生壅塞車潮,加上現今匝道儀控 只考量單一匝道,易使主線上下游產生不平衡及停等車隊溢流至市區平面道路上, 同時也導致嚴重的空氣汙染排放問題。故本研究係針對國道 1 號豐原至王田南下 整合區域路段進行車流特性分析,以非線性規畫建構綠色整合式匝道儀控模式,在 主線路段車流不壅塞儀控下,使行駛車輛二氧化碳排放量最低為綠色儀控目標,探 討整合區域路段之綠色匝道儀控率及二氧化碳排放量,分析經綠色匝道儀控管制 前後二氧化碳排放量的差異,並評估各路段之減碳效益。 經過本研究實例分析結果顯示,該高速公路主線區域路段以綠色整合式匝道 儀控管制下,可達到百分之二十至百分之四十九之減碳效益,顯示本儀控模式具有 節能減碳之效果,望能提供交通管理者做為日後綠色運輸決策之參考。;Due to rising awareness of global environmental protection in recent years, green tramsportation has become a common issue worldwide. According to the increasing demand of traffic caused some main road beyond its capacity, decreases the level of service and has recurrent congestion. In this study, we focus on the south integration traffic flow of highway No. 1, especially from Fongyuan to Wangtian and estimation of carbon reduction. Discuss the green intergraded ramp metering with non-linear programming method, consider the effectiveness in the minimum carbon emission on freeway. This research set efficiency, intergraded ramp metering rate allowable input flow. Using the carbon emission of main road to evaluate the carbon reduction ratio. Research by the assessment analysis showed that in the minimum carbon emission of control target can makes the whole road carbon reduction ratio between 20% to 49%. It means that the green intergraded ramp metering has conspicuous effect of reducing the carbon emission on freeway.