摘要: | 在眾多再生能源中,取之不盡、用之不竭的太陽能最受矚目,其中染料敏化太陽能電池因具低成本、製程簡易、多色彩、可透視、可饒曲等多項優勢,成為現今開發重點之一。 光敏染料是影響染料敏化太陽能電池效率高低的其中一項重要因素,相較於以釕金屬錯合物為基礎的光敏染料,有機光敏染料具高莫耳消光係數、結構修飾容易、合成成本低廉及環境汙染較低等優點,成為另一研究大宗。 本文設計合成出以2-phenylthiophene作為架橋的傳統D-π-A 形式有機光敏染料DD101,接著進行改良設計合成出以2,2’-(1,3-phenylene)bis-thiophene作為架橋的2D-π-2A形式有機光敏染料DD104、DD113及DD114,進而研究不同電子提供基團對於2,2’-(1,3-phenylene)bis-thiophene架橋結構之效率影響。;Among the many renewable energy, inexhaustible solar energy is the most attended one. Dye-sensitized solar cells possessing the advantages of low-cost, simple process, multi-color, penetration and flexibility, has become one of the key technology to developed. The photosensitizer is one of important components which affecting the solar cell efficiency in the dye-sensitized solar cells. Compared to the ruthenium metal complexes based sensitizers, the metal-free organic sensitizers shows following advantages:high molar extinction coefficient, easy for structural modification, low cost and lower environmental pollution, etc., and hence, attracted large of studies. The sensitizers DD101 representing the D-π-A configuration, in which 2-phenylthiophene as the π-bridge of the dye, were designed and synthesized. Next, we made modification to design the series of sensitizers DD104, DD113 and DD114 to represent the 2D-π-2A configuration, in which 2,2’-(1,3-phenylene)bis-thiophene were incorporated in the π-bridge of the dye. Then, further investigation of various of donors which affect the power conversion efficiency of 2,2’-(1,3-phenylene)bis-thiophene sensitizers are studied to. |