此論文設計用來觀測電離層中的630 nm以及762 nm波段的氣暉觀測器,630 nm以及762 nm波段的最大強度高度分別為250 km、95 km,此氣暉觀測器的觀測視野為13°×18°(V×H),大小在1U(10×10×10cm^3)內,取樣頻率為200Hz,平均的耗能為0.8W,經過光學實驗驗證觀測視野、儀器的響應程度以及資料擷取,驗證效能以及規格,能夠符合立方衛星的科學酬載的要求。 暉光剖面儀的光度感測器為陣列式光度計,由於陣列式光度計的高靈敏度,可用來量測暉光微弱的訊號,加上有一維的空間解析度(16 channels),因此可設計於暉光高度的解析,提供一維度的暉光的高度資料以及時變的光訊號。暉光剖面儀,提供高度34公里解析度以及寬度775 公里解析度,並可將其搭載於立方衛星進行全球氣暉觀測。;An Airglow Profile Detector (APD) is designed for a scientific payload onboard a CubeSat mission. The APD scientific goal is to measure the 630 nm and 762 nm airglow emission profiles. The APD specifications are designed as following: volume, < 1U(10×10×10cm^3); power, 0.8 Watts average; field of view, 13°×18° (V×H); sampling rate, 200 Hz. After experimental verification specification in optical laboratory, APD can meet the designed requirements for the scientific payload cube satellites. The APD optical sensor is an array photometer with high sensitivity and high sampling rate for data recording, especially designed for very weak airglow emission. Additionally, the array photometer has 16 channels that can resolve one dimensional spatial resolution for airglow altitude profile. The spatial res-olution of APD airglow observation is about 34 km in the vertical and 775 km in the horizontal. The APD can be used to investigate global distribution of the airglow emissions onboard a CubeSat mission.