太空酬載實驗室為全國首座擁有太空電漿模擬設備之單位,自探空七號電漿探測儀、探空九號太空電漿量測儀、至福衛五號先進電離層探測儀,太空電漿模擬艙皆提供儀器測試與校正之環境。太空電漿模擬艙包含真空艙體、真空幫浦、真空計、電漿源、以及實驗室自製朗繆爾探針,為整合各次系統及實驗所需,建立一套監控系統以協助實驗進行。然而隨著時間的演進,儀器設備的更換,使得原本系統須重新改寫,並藉此將實驗自動化之理念加入監控系統,以達到實驗效率上的提升與人員操作負擔的降低。此系統採用LabVIEW Actor Framework規劃撰寫,借由物件導向相關概念使得各儀器控制之相依性大幅降低,有助於系統穩定性提升及程式維護上的便利。透過此系統可即時量測艙內氣壓、各儀器健康狀況、電子溫度等實驗重要參數。並且透過此自動化控制程式,當艙內壓力達指定大小後,電漿源將自行穩定加熱至預定溫度,並依照實驗所需控制氣壓大小,穩定產生電漿。;Space payload laboratory is the first institute in Taiwan that has the plasma simulation equipment. Since Ion Probe for Sounding Rocket V to Advanced Ionospheric Probe for FORMOSAT-5 satellite, the plasma simulation chamber provide the test environment for design and calibration. It consists of vacuum chamber、vacuum pumps、pressure meter、plasma source and Langmuir probe. In order to integrate all subsystem and the need of experiment, we build a monitor and control system to help the process of experiment. However, because of the replacement of equipment over time, the original program should be rewrited. This time, we put the concept of automatic into the program to increase the efficiency of experiment and decrease the loading of operator. The system is programming by LabVIEW Actor Framework Template. Through the concept of object oriented, the dependency between the subsystems become smaller which help the stability of program and the convenience of maintenance. We can obtain the pressure of chamber、 healthy status of instruments、 electron temperature and some important parameters of experiment through this program. Also, by the automatic process, when the pressure achieves the set-point, the plasma source will heat itself stably. After heating process, the mass flow control will maintain the pressure to generate stable plasma. By using this program structure, we can integrate temperature cycling test and thermal vacuum test to be an all in one environment test system in the future.