本論文之目的是探討大氣中之沙塵暴對電離層電漿之影響。利用中尺度影像光譜儀(MODIS)之氣膠光學厚度觀察大氣沙塵暴之強度,而利用全球電離層全電子含量圖(GIM)和DEMETER衛星電漿資料,研究2008年5月撒哈拉沙漠沙塵暴期間電離層電漿變化。結果顯示,當2008年5月28日撒哈拉沙漠地區之MODIS氣膠光學厚度達到極大值時,該地區北方之GIM全電子含量以及DEMETER電子濃度和離子濃度亦同時達到極大值,而對應之DEMETER電子溫度則達到極小值。進一步採用全球空間蒐尋分析,顯示2008年5月28日GIM全電子含量和DEMETER電漿參數皆僅於撒哈拉沙漠北方出現極值。由於電漿準電中性之特性,GIM全電子含量和DEMETER電子濃度及離子濃度同時達極大值,而又因為庫倫冷卻機制,DEMETER電子與離子溫度呈現極小值。;In this paper MODIS data, GIM (global ionosphere map) TEC (total electron content) and DEMETER satellite data are used to study ionospheric dust storm effects in May 2008. The aerosol optical depth (AOD), the LTT (latitude-time-TEC) and DEMETER daytime latitude-time-electron/ion density along the Sahara longitude simultaneously reach their maximum values on 28 May 2008. The DEMETER daytime latitude-time-electron temperature along the Sahara longitude simultaneously reach their minimum values on 28 May 2008. The LLT (latitude-longitude-TEC) map, latitude-longitude-electron/ion density specifically and significantly increases over the Sahara region on 28 May 2008. The latitude-longitude-electron temperature specifically and significantly decreases over the Sahara region on 28 May 2008. The simulation suggests that the dust storm may change the atmospheric electric field, which in turn modifies the plasma density over the Sahara area.