本研究利用高頻都卜勒探測系統、電離層探測儀與全球定位系統接收機紀錄資料觀測2004年12月26日芮氏規模Mw9.3蘇門答臘地震、2011年3月11日芮氏規模Mw9.0日本東北地震以及2015年9月16日芮氏規模Mw8.3智利地震引發之海嘯電離層效應。海嘯模式Cornell Multi-grid Coupled of Tsunami Model (COMCOT)用以模擬之海嘯到時與波高,藉此比對台灣地區觀測之都卜勒頻移、電離圖擾亂與全電子含量中之電離層海嘯效應。高頻都卜勒探測系統均偵測到上述三地震之雷利波。反之,僅2011年日本東北地震可清楚記錄到電離層海嘯效應。都卜勒頻移和電離圖均記錄到垂直方向之擾動,比對COMCOT海嘯波高顯示其放大倍率為20萬。比對電離層全電子含量擾動和同地點之模擬海嘯到時,顯示電離層海嘯擾動領先海嘯波約40分鐘。;In this research, the tsunami events: Mw9.3 Sumatra earthquake in 26th December 2004, Mw9.0 Tohoku earthquake in 11st March 2011, and 16th September 2015 were observed by high frequency Doppler sounders, ionosonde, and global positioning system-total electron content(GPSTEC). By using the tsunami model: Cornell Multi-grid Coupled of Tsunami Model (COMCOT) to observe the tsunami signatures in Taiwan by the simulation of the arrival time and the height of tsunami waves. In HF Doppler sounders can observed the Rayleigh waves clearly after the three events. But the tsunami signatures only can be detected with HF Doppler sounders and ionosonde in the Tohoku case. Compare with the COMCOT simulation of wave height, the amplification factor is 200 thousands. By comparing the disturbances time and the simulating arrival time, shows the Ionosphere tsunami signatures led the tsunami waves by 40 minutes.