本實驗主要在探討非韌性低強度混凝土梁柱外接頭採用混凝土擴柱補強工法及鋼板補強工法,並由不同補強工法,針對原型試體和補強試體之勁度、韌性及接頭剪力衰減等情形之異同加以分析,比較其補強成效。 由實驗結果得知,混凝土擴柱補強工法可有效使接頭剪力強度提升,使在梁接頭剪力破壞前先產生塑鉸且符合耐震需求;鋼鈑補強工法雖可提升接頭剪力強度,但補強效果較不及於混凝土擴柱補強方式。最後,根據對於梁柱接頭剪力強度衰減討論結果,針對混凝土擴柱補強工法及鋼板補強工法分別提出補強建議方針,以供國內RC梁柱接頭補強之參考。 This experiment was mainly aimed at exploring the advantage of retrofitting non-ductile and low-strength RC exterior beam-column joint by Concrete Jacketing and Steel Jacketing. A discussion was made through the differences in stiffness, ductility and joint shear degradation between benchmark and retrofitted specimen. From the experiment results, we found that Concrete Jacketing scheme could efficiently improve the joint shear strength and make beam plastic hinge develop before joint shear failure, which is required by the seismic resistant design code and greatly improve the joint shear strength better than Steel Jacketing scheme. Finally, from the behavior of joint shear degradation of retrofitted specimen, a retrofitted recommendation of Concrete Jacketing and Steel Jacketing is proposed for reference on further RC retrofitting schemes in Taiwan.