先前研究已指出會有微小帶電粒子從木星環噴發出來,而其運動方式也有非常豐碩的研究結果,過去的研究指出塵埃粒子表面的電荷變化以及其與木星電漿環境的電磁交互作用,會使得微小塵埃粒子帶電並沿著磁力線運動;而透過勞倫茲力以及木星重力的作用,微小塵埃粒子的最終宿命會與木星碰撞,而這過程僅僅只有數小時至數天之久。 而帶電塵埃粒子的大小會決定其碰撞的位置,大於100奈米的塵埃粒子的碰撞位置分布在赤道附近以及低緯度地區,然而更小的塵埃粒子則有機會順著磁力線到達中緯度地區,而這中間的過程與塵埃粒子的荷質比有關。 本篇使用了木星內磁層的模型來模擬30奈米到1微米的帶電塵埃粒子充放電過程與運動情形,假設微小塵埃藉由隕石碰撞行星環上的大物體所產生,探討木星主環上的微小塵埃如何受到外在電流的影響改變表面電位,並受到勞倫茲力改變運動軌跡。並考慮粒子大小與粒子的撞擊分布之關係,我們也能用此模型預測粒子進入木星大氣時的軌跡與速度,當JUNO任務在2016年7月接近時藉以預測塵埃粒子碰撞的速度以及粒子質量在木星大氣之分布;藉由JUNO任務,我們也可以得到更進一步的資料以修正我們的模型。 ;The orbital motion of charged nano-dust grains emitted from the Jovian rings is investigated. It is found that the combination of electrostatic charging and electromagnetic interaction can lead to a variety of circumplanetary non-Keplerian particle trajectories. Because of a combination of the Lorentz force and the Jovian gravitational attraction, the charged grains would impact Jupiter within a few to tens of hours. The impact points of dust grains with size larger than 100 nm are mostly distributed near the equatorial region while those of smaller sizes could reach mid-latitude due to magnetic field-aligned motion. If the mass injection rate is significant, the Jovian atmosphere might display signature of such ring rain effect. We discuss in the dynamics of nano-size charged dust particle in the innermost Jovian magnetosphere. In our simulation, we use observing data to construct our dynamical model and also consider the charging process. Assuming small dust particle generate by continual meteoroid bombardment of the larger bodies. We build model to simulate how surface potential of small dust particles change in the Jovian plasma condition and transform orbit by Lorentz force. Finally we construct the impact map of nano-size particle impact with Jovian. And we use model to make prediction for the dust impact direction for compare with the JUNO mission, which is traverse this region in 2016.