本研究設計一套完整的立方衛星電源系統,並將系統分成三個模組來設計、製造。太陽能模組使用SMT製程,分佈於立方衛星六面。電源貯電模組可以快速抽換,方便更換更大貯能原件。電源管理系統擁有上電自動開機功能,照光可自動開機,也可於無光時下達關機指令,達到省電目的。雙貯電功能,可以直接不經升降壓轉換,直接由超級電容供電給數位電源。;This research is about to build a power system for CubeSat with double energy storages. The power system can be separated into three modules. One is solar panel modules, which is manufactured using surface mount technology. Another one is power management modules. The last one is a double energy storages modules.