此篇論文研究是以架設偏振式Twyman–Green干涉儀,並搭配4D Technology公司出產的偏振像素攝影機,成功完成動態干涉量測系統之架設,量測功能可量測反射光譜與反射相位光譜,並透過窄帶濾光片選取所需的量測波長,得到多波長的量測資訊來分析。系統之反射光譜量測,其誤差為0.6 %,標準差為±0.172 %,反射相位光譜,其量測結果之誤差為1.26 %,標準差為±0.085 rad。 動態干涉儀利用程式上的一些修正,可以減少對於元件設備的品質,像是在光源強度不均勻的情況下與元件自我干涉也能透過程式校正,還原待測物的量測結果。而動態干涉儀使用的相位延遲元件,可透過Intensity Lissajou Curves橢圓的傾角來調整1/4波長相位延遲片的快慢軸角度,以修正參考光與待測光可被極化為圓偏振光,從而減少橢圓極化光的產生,進而減少相位計算中fringe print-through誤差的產生。因此利用以建構好的演算程式,可以將品質所造成的光學現象加以修正與調整,得以降低動態干涉儀在光學元件上使用的成本。 薄膜量測與橢圓偏振儀的量測結果作比較,將動態干涉儀所量測的反射光譜及反射相位光譜,透過simplex演算法擬合薄膜的厚度與折射率,即使在光學桌無防震狀態中量測,其量誤差皆小於1%。 ;This article aims to set up a dynamic (vibration-insensitive) interferometry based on a polarized Twyman-Green interferometry with a polarization pixel camera produced 4D Technology Corporation. In this research, detailed analyses of the uniformity white-light source and self-interference effect illustrates how these improvements increase the accuracy of the thin-film measurement. Through intensity Lissajou curves, the phase shift of wave-plate can be corrected to reduce fringe print-through error in the phase calculation process. The dynamic interferometry is capable to measure reflection amplitude and phase for mutli-wavelength by selecting different narrow band-pass filter. The reflection spectrum error of Ta2O5 thin-film is 0.6 % ( 0.172 %) and the reflection phase error is 1.26 % (0.085 rad). An application of dynamic interferometry on transparent thin-film measurement was achieved. The measurements are compared with spectroscopic ellipsometry results (SOPRA GES 5), and for both film thickness and refractive index, the differences are within 1% of the ellipsometry measurement.